GDRC Help Desk:
Value Adding to Information
The GDRC regularly receives a number of queries via email from users who are looking for specific information. In order to facilitate a systematic approach to such users, an online Help Desk was set up. Thematic and strategic help will be provided, where possible and available, within the 15 programmes of GDRC.
What will the Help Desk do?
Point to resources within GDRC. Where not available, staff members will work with the user to make it available on GDRC at a future date.
Initiate a dialogue with the user by providing pertinent and specific/focussed advice
Link to local organizations working on the issue - if present (in the region where the user is located)
Pass on questions to key mailing lists that can help
Ask experts to help where possible or available
Make sure you have also already checked out:
When contacting the Help Desk ...
Be specific in the questions asked or queries posed
Provide pertinant details that will help in identifying resources/advice
Do not attach large documents or proposals, unless asked for
The Help Desk will not ...
Provide financial aid or funding
Help in finding jobs (but may point in the right direction)
Send printouts or hard copies of documents already online
Please send your query as an email to
GDRC's Coordinator:
Disclaimer: The GDRC Help Desk was set up to assist users with a context-specific query on the themes of its 15 programmes. Every effort is being made to ensure that all queries are responded to. However, Help Desk responses (such as sharing appropriate resources, providing advice/suggestions, discussing programme strategy, or preparing/reviewing documents) are done in good faith, and GDRC cannot be held responsible for any consequences of such responses.