The GDRC Environment Sphere
Environment is the common denominator ...

| Environment | Urban | Community | Economy | Information |
The word 'environment' has become a catch-all that has driven social, economic and ecological agendas at all levels of governance: from global to local to individual. Its ascendancy to the top of developmental agendas has also been symptomatic of the industrial age and its impacts/consequences on the global environment due to uncontrolled development - resources consumed and wastes generated.

The Environment Sphere of GDRC's activities focus on the specific themes of environmental decision-making, sustainable development, and oceans, coasts and small islands. Besides these three themes, the urban environmental management programme, overlaps with GDRC's Urban Sphere.

Themes under the Environment Sphere

Environmental Decision Making
So what decisions are needed to preserve the environment? How can support systems be set up to facilitate such decisions?
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Taking the right decision at the right time, at the right level, and by the right person/group is critical - along with the realization that any and every decision has a direct or indirect impact on the environment. This GDRC webtheme explores the issue of environmental decision making from local to global levels environmental decision making, subsidiarity, conflict resolution, mediation, risk assessment, participation, problem solving
Currently, GDRC is focussing on issues related to enabling processes that will facilitate multilateral environmental agreements to be taken into account in local environmental decision-making.
     Read GDRC outputs under the Environmental Decision-Making research programme

Sustainable Development
So what do we do with the sustainability concept, especially at the local level? What should we all be doing?
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The objective of the GDRC programme on Sustainable Development is to function as a repository of key online information on the theme and help in contextualizing all other programmes of GDRC within the perspective of sustainability. sustainability, sustainable development, indicators, concepts of sustainability, poverty, human security
Currently, GDRC is focussing on enhancing and packaging its contribution to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and the broader 2030 agendas. It particularly looks at the role of education and policy-making in promoting sustainable development. It has also covered a number themes including:

Education for Sustainable Development,   Food Security,   Human Security,   Innovative Communities,   Poverty,   Seven Triads of Sustainability,   Sustainable Development Concepts,   Peace,   Healthy Cities
     Read GDRC outputs under the Sustainable Development research programme

Oceans, Coasts and Small Islands
So what influence do oceans have on our life? And we on the oceans? Why should we care??
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The human interface with oceans can easily be categorized as negative - not only have we taken indiscriminately from the ocean for raw materials, food and transport, but have given back only pollutants and other dangerous toxins as waste back to the oceans. With three out of five people living within 60 kms of a coast line, we need to rethink the way in which we look at oceans, coasts and small islands oceasn, coasts, small islands, integrated coastal area management, runoff, marine pollution
Currently, GDRC is focussing on issues related to education for sustainability and ocean dumping [Oceans], beach erosion/nourishment [Coasts], and waste management [small islands].
     Read GDRC outputs under the Oceans, Coasts and Small Islands research programme