The GDRC Community Sphere
Understanding the level where real action takes place ... |
ltimately, it is at the level of the man-on-the-street that everything revolves around - the causes of environmental and developmental problems, its impacts and also the finding of solutions. As the slogan 'Think Global -- Act Local' extols, it is action at the local level, carried out by individuals, that will ultimately have global repercussions.
GDRC's sphere of activities in the community sphere celebrates the local community, and its interactions and collaborations with other stakeholders. It specifically looks at microfinance (as a need to facilitate micro solutions to local problems and needs), NGOs and the civil society (within the NGO Cafe) and gender and development issues. The 'community' dimension is inherently built into all GDRC programmes too.
Themes under the Community Sphere |

NGOs and Civil Society
This GDRC programme
is a designated 'WWW Virtual Library' on
Non-Governmental Organizations
So what are NGOs? What niche can they fill in the process of development and growth? At the local, national and international levels?
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An Internet web site designed as a meeting place for NGOs around the world. In six distinct sections, the site defines the concept of NGOs and related organizations, provides tools and resources to implement effective programs, presents papers and documents of International interest, and gives news and internet links.
NGOs, Non-governmental Organizations, development, low-income households, poverty, developing countries, non-profit, UN agencies
Currently, GDRC is focussing on issues related to education for sustainability and ocean dumping [Oceans], beach erosion/nourishment [Coasts], and waste management [small islands]. It has also covered a number themes including:
NGO Management Toolbox
Starting an NGO

Gender and Development
So what is the criticality of incorporating gender issues in any policy, programme or project? What are the barriers and where do we start?
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The criticality of incorporating gender perspectives in environmental management and community development programmes lie in the need for better equality, equity and efficiency to be borne by both men and women for balanced development. The resources presented here aim at providing a comprehensive picture of gender and related issues.
gender, development, gender analysis, environment, information technologies, good governance, microcredit, microfinance, participation, decision-making
Currently, GDRC is focussing on gender criteria that need to be taken into account in developing environmental management programmes and plans at the local level. It is also updating and enhancing the "GDRC Framework on Gender and Development"
It has also covered a number themes including:
Gender Analysis Framework,
Gender, Information Technologies and the Internet,
Gender Issues and Urban Governance,

Microfinance and Microcredit
This GDRC programme
is a designated 'WWW Virtual Library' on
So what is microfinance and microcredit? Does it really help the poor out of poverty?
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The Virtual Library on Microcredit is intended to be a repository of information on alternative, non-conventional financial systems and microcredit issues. Community mobilization and enviro-economic development also find a place here.
replication, scaling up, innovations and best practices, capacity building for Microfinance, microfinance, microcredit, community credit mobilization, informal credit markets, community participation, credit access for women, microenterprises, NGOs, community groups, people's organizations, self-help groups, credit unions, cooperatives, commercial banks, international NGOs/agencies, low-income countries, developing countries, Asia, Africa, Latin America, CEEC, Central and Eastern Europe
Currently, GDRC is focussing on the role of microfinance in its non-financial role, particularly in mobilizing/activating communities and in generating social capital.
It has also covered a number themes including:
Environmental Colours of Microfinance,
Financing Microenterprises,
Improving Women's Access to Credit,
Microfinance and Disasters,
Microfinance Governance ,