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Global Development Research Center
Research Programme on Sustainable Development
About the Programme
The objective of the GDRC programme on Sustainable Development is to function as a repository of key online information on the theme and help in contextualizing all other programmes of GDRC within the perspective of sustainability.
The transition from Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 places greater empahsis on sustainability, and provides a logical framework for global as well as local policies. GDRC aims to keep track of this transition through this programme.
sustainability, sustainable development, indicators, concepts of sustainability, poverty, human security, MDGs, SDGs
Currently, GDRC is focussing on enhancing and packaging its contribution to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UN-DESD). It particularly looks into the role of learning centers and universities in promoting sustainable development.
It has also covered a number of themes including: Education for Sustainable Development, Food Security, Human Security, Innovative Communities, Poverty, Seven Triads of Sustainability, Sustainable Development Concepts, etc.
 The Sustainable Development programme is part of
GDRC's Environment Sphere |
The Global Development Research Center (GDRC) is an independent policy think tank
that carries out initiatives in the spheres of environment, urban, community, economy and information, and at scales that are effective.
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