The GRDC Research Programme on Microfinance
So what is microfinance and microcredit?
Does it really help the poor out of poverty? What do we need to do?

Virtual Library on Microcredit

The Virtual Library on Microcredit is a repository of information on issues related to microfinance and microcredit, including alternative, non-conventional and informal financial systems.

Research Resources
   ■ Document collection
   ■ Inspiring Ideas in Microcredit
   ■ Improving Credit Access for Women
   ■ Microfinance Governance
   ■ Capacity Building for Microfinance
   ■ Finance for Microenterprises
   ■ Microfinance and Disasters

Highlights of GDRC Research
BooksFull list of docs
Channeling Microfinance to the SDGs: Small solutions to Big Problems
Policy Analysis Series E-192.

Microfinance Timeline: A Historical Evolution Beyond Credit
Continuing Research Series E-211.

Three Things to Remember about Microfinance
Concept Note Series E-110.

Microfinance and Tsunami Recovery: Contextualizing Microfinance for Recovery
Case Study Series E-101.


What is GDRC doing now?
  Currently, GDRC is focussing on the role of microfinance in its non-financial role, particularly in mobilizing/activating communities and in generating social capital.

Have a look at the planned publications under this programme

   ■ GDRC Programme on Informal Sector
   ■ Slums and Squatter Settlements
   ■ Gender and Development
   ■ Sustainable Development (Poverty)

This programme is a part of:
More information on GDRC's Community sphere
    GDRC's Community Sphere    

More information on the WWW Virtual LibrariesThis GDRC programme is a designated 'WWW Virtual Library' on Microfinance

GDRC supports the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) SDG No. 1 on "End poverty in all its forms everywhere"

Books Full list of docs produced by the Microfinance Programme

Current Pubs
Future Pubs