GDRC Mosaic
Keep yourself informed through GDRC's newsletter
August 2022
Welcome to another edition of GDRC's Newsletter, MOSAIC! The newsletter highlights GDRC's work for the month related to its 15 research programms. Each month's newsletter is uploaded at the end of the month.
This month's highlight
Highlightihg a theme that GDRC is currently working on
SDGs Repository: The SDGs InfoRepository presents a broad range of information on activities that the Global Development Research Center (GDRC) is undertaking in order to better understand the Goals and develop solutions for the various global problems and challenges that we face today. The targets and their respective indicators provide an insight into the priorities and policy solutions that countries will be looking at over the next decades.
The Repository includes a report outlining the work of GDTC vis-à-vis the SDGs, the blog, "Sustainability Dashboard" and other outputs.p>
GDRC Imprint
Publications and reprots produced this month
GDRC aims to help users define their professional boundaries within a larger developmental process. This is done by facilitating the customization, contextualization, and localization of available information.
This month's output includes:
Alphabetical listing of GDRC's work themes
This month's random alphabet, is P.
Among the programme themes and projects handled by GDRC under "P" include:
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Poverty has been described in many ways - low incomes, assetlessness, homelessness et al., but the core condition of poverty still remains the same- socio-economic inequalities and inequities that prevent people from reaching their desired full potential and quality of life.
The causes and impacts of poverty are multi-faceted, resulting from the conditions that individuals and households find themselves, or the state of the society as a whole. These and other issues related to elimination/eradication of poverty is indeed the very first of the recently promulgated sustainable development goals, which calls for "Ending Poverty in all its Forms Everywhere"
This collection of resources explores poverty, its causes and impacts, and strategies used by different organizations in its elimination/eradication.
Other themes under "P": |
■ | Peace
■ | Pedagogy: Leaning about Learning [Blog]
■ | Pinterest [Social Media]
■ | Poverty
| ■ | Precautionary Principle
International Days this month
This month's international days and observances
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If you have any questions or queries, please contact GDRC at -